A spring in our step!

Bountiful produce in the kitchen at Elizabeth Farm.

The kitchen at Elizabeth Farm. Photo © James Horan

There’s much to celebrate this month, from the launch of Sydney Living Museums: Food, through to ongoing preparations for our exhibition – PLUS we’ve been shortlisted for another award! It’s a banquet of events that celebrates Sydney’s food history – and you’re invited!

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Repasts from our past – events in July

Two women cooking at 'Redcoats and Convicts' at Hyde Park Barracks.

Cooking at 'Redcoats and Convicts' at Hyde Park Barracks. Photo © Leo Rocker

While we continue fine dining with the Macleays at Elizabeth Bay House, other activities at Sydney Living Museums this month whet the appetite with a chance to experience convict life at Hyde Park Barracks, a glimpse of Sydney’s domestic underbelly at the Justice & Police Museum, and a taste of early Parramatta and colonial gastronomy at Elizabeth Farm. Continue reading