Surf City, Sydney

an Historic Houses Trust blog

Taman Shud

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Lucky enough to catch Australian prog rockers Taman Shud at the recent Manly Surf Festival, in the soiled nether regions of the Old Manly Boat Shed.

Heard stuff straight out of early 70s Sunbury…in equal parts fresh and primordial that totally blew a drunk and largely unsuspecting audience away. Even got a glimpse of their earlier stuff, back when they called themselves the ‘Sunsets’ and sonically energised Paul Witzig’s explosive ’67 surf movie The Hot Generation.

Knocked out by tunes from the spacey rock soundtrack of Evolution, Witzig’s follow up surf movie in ’69 and the Shud’s first commercial recording.

Here’s an essay on the band’s amazing story.

Written by Gary Crockett

December 7th, 2009 at 11:24 am

Posted in 1960s,1970s

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