Surf City, Sydney

an Historic Houses Trust blog

Mini Pocket Rockets

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Jeff Carter’s stagey portrait of late 60s mod surfdom puts an oddly British spin on Sydney beach culture…in fact the roof racked mini deluxe made a few notable screen and print appearances around the time, most memorably in the opening bush bashing sequences to Bob Evan’s 1967 movie High on Cool Wave, alongside a mighty Morris 1100. Notice the bottom curve and deep raking, slenderous fins on this hip pair of late 60s pocket rockets. Photo sourced in National Library of Australia collection.

Written by garycrockett

August 12th, 2010 at 3:30 pm

Posted in 1960s

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  1. […] perfectly cool in their own way. Mini via, Saab via. theres some lovely boards on Goons whilst your […]

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