Surf City, Sydney

an Historic Houses Trust blog

EH Holden 1964

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photo sourced in contest booklet 1st World Surfboard Titles 1964 held by Manly Library

This great image of an EH wagon, parked in the thick of it, with a couple of boards getting pulled from the racks, appeared in a GMH ad in a booklet produced for the 1st World Surfboard Titles, held at Manly in May 1964 before a massive spectator crowd. Contest organiser and boardriding ambassador Bob Evans managed to snag a long list of top shelf supporters and sponsors including Qantas, Ampol, General Motors Holden, Nock and Kirby’s, TAA Travel, Farmers, Casben sports wear, the Sunday Telegraph and radio station 2GB, who even organised a special beach stomp. The keen interest shown by major motoring, airline, travel, fashion, retail and media players suggests the surf craze bonanza was just around the corner.

Written by garycrockett

August 20th, 2010 at 1:16 pm

Posted in 1960s

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