Surf City, Sydney

an Historic Houses Trust blog

Mona Vale surfers 1960


Two surfers, Mona Vale 1960, photo Gervaise Purcell, courtesy Leigh Purcell

Leigh Purcell, son of well known Sydney commercial fashion photographer Gervaise Purcell, stopped by the other day to drop off a handful of terrific prints taken down at Mona Vale in 1960 of random surfers in action. Leigh recalls that his dad was merely testing equipment and snapped off a roll or two to get used to a new telefoto lens. Gervaise was renowned for his swimwear work, so its no surprise he’s managed to capture the local preference for speedo trunks over white rope-belted board shorts.

Three surfers, Mona Vale 1960, photo Gervaise Purcell, courtesy Leigh Purcell

Thankfully Bruce Usher has nailed a few IDs …Ok, Bob Boot is the blond headed Dewey Webber stylist on LHS of the top pic. Still surfs the same. Looks like one of the Gosden brothers (possibly Dave) middle of the bottom pic. Bob Boot should have all that MV SLSC history in his head…

Written by garycrockett

July 18th, 2011 at 1:16 pm

Posted in 1960s

2 Responses to 'Mona Vale surfers 1960'

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  1. I am interested in getting in touch with Leigh Purcell… A friend from way back, who I lost touch with several aeons ago… Would you have an email address or phone number for him?


    Chris Gilbey

    Chris Gilbey

    20 May 22 at 6:09 am

  2. I’m sorry Chris – I don’t seem to have any info or contact details for Leigh. Maybe a Facebook search might be worth a try? Thanks for checking in on the blog.


    23 May 22 at 6:38 am

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