Surf City, Sydney

an Historic Houses Trust blog

North Narrabeen 1961..?


Thanks again to Ron Saggers and Kath Perrott for this knockout early 60s Ron Perrott photograph of Scott Dillon (pointing with pen) and Bob Evans (wearing hat) who appear to be judging a contest at North Narrabeen. That’s probably Bob Fell on the left, according to Peter Bowes and fearless ‘Bower Boy’ Robbie Lane in the speedos on the right.

Just in…Phil Jarratt reckons its the autumn 1961 get-together of the South Pacific Board Riders Club, mentioned in Australian Surfer #2, a photo of which turned up in 1962 on Teenagers Weekly cover…thanks Phil.

Written by garycrockett

July 22nd, 2011 at 11:10 am

Posted in 1960s

11 Responses to 'North Narrabeen 1961..?'

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  1. could be bob fell on the left

    pete bowes

    23 Jul 11 at 12:14 pm

  2. thanks Pete – was a Bondi surfer?

    Gary Crockett

    24 Jul 11 at 1:46 am

  3. bob was good, and from bondi – he ended badly though –

    pete bowes

    24 Jul 11 at 11:09 am

  4. called in on Scott last year – up at his museum north of Coffs – stayed a while with the old lad – still cannot write about it –

    pete bowes

    24 Jul 11 at 11:12 am

  5. great to see you finally getting Scot’s stories down – plenty more in the bag I’m sure

    Gary Crockett

    31 Jul 11 at 1:44 am

  6. That’s Robbie Lane closest to the camera in his speedo’s.
    Robbie was a “Bower-boy” (lived and surfed near Fairy Bower) and had quite a lot of success in the early contests such as this one.

    henry jones

    1 Aug 11 at 11:24 am

  7. Thanks Henry – will add Robbie Lane to the line up. Gary

    Gary Crockett

    2 Aug 11 at 12:35 am

  8. Hi Gary,

    I’m sure this is South Pacific Board Riders Club comp at North Narra in autumn 1961. Brief coverage in Australian Surfer #2 and also group photos run in Australian Womens Weekly supplement Teenagers Weekly some time later.

    Phil Jarratt

    25 Aug 11 at 12:03 pm

  9. Thanks Phil.

    Gary Crockett

    25 Aug 11 at 12:30 pm

  10. I would license a a Ron Perrott photo for use in a forthcoming book. Does anyone have contact information for Kath Perrott? thx. Peter Neushul

    Peter Neushul

    15 Mar 13 at 7:20 pm

  11. Peter, are you still after Kath Perrott…? Ron Saggers looks after the Perrott archive, so I can send through contact details if necessary. Gary

    Gary Crockett

    18 Feb 14 at 3:08 am

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